Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lord of the Rings Enneagram

Many people know that in Whiny the Pooh, the 4 classic personality types are represented by Pooh (phlegmatic), Tigger (sanguine), Rabbit (choleric), and Eeyore (melancholic).  However, searching online I could not find a clear typology of the 9 members of the fellowship of the ring in the Lord of the Rings, so I decided to put it up online here:


Type 1 -- The Critic, Reformer
Peregrin Took (aka Pippin), cousin of Frodo

Type 2 -- the helper, giver
   Sam Gamgee, who worked as a gardener Hobbit Frodo
Type 3 -- The Performer, Motivator
Gimli son of Gloin. He was sent to represent the Dwarves Elrond

Type 4 -- the Tragic Romantic
   Meriadoc Brandybuck (aka Merry), cousin of Frodo

Type 5 -- The Observer, Intelectual
   Gandalf, a Maia, who played as an assistant for the inhabitants of Middle-Earth Help

Type 6 -- The Skeptic
     Boromir, the eldest son of Denethor and Captain of the White Tower

Type 7 -- The Visionary, Enthusiast
   Legolas, Prince of Mirkwood Elf, which was sent to the elf Elrond represented

Type 8 -- The Leader
   Aragorn, Isildur and heir to the throne of Gondor and Arnor keturununan United

Type 9 -- the mediator, peacemaker.
   Frodo Baggins, a hobbit who inherited the ring from his uncle

To relate the two personality systems through the work of Gulen (a.k.a Gulini 150 C.E.), Types 1-9 could be described in this manner:

7 = Sanguine

8 = Choleric-Sanguine

1 = Choleric

2 = Melancholic-Choleric

4 = Melancholic

5 = Phlegmatic-Melancholic

6 = Phlegmatic

3 = Sanguine-Phelmatic

9 = Balance

Finally, the Myers-Brigs system could be tacked on to some of these types, at least in some general senses in as much as some studies show that 2 and 4 are always F (feeling types).  However, in spite of it's greater diversity of types, the Myers Briggs system is a more superficial treatment of persona rather than of deeper personality, so it doesn't make a completely useful comparison the way the Enneagram and the 4 humors do.  

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